Literature (english)

Books of the study group in english (et en francais)

The english handbooks do have the format B5. In brackets the # of the german handbook.

E050: Documentation of the Postal Matter Cards in the GG/The Official Postal Matter Cards of the Post-Office Warschau C1

Michael Schweizer, 2006, 79 pages, 14,50 €, 200g weight, color


Two handbooks in english language:

1. Documentation of the Postal Matter Cards in the General Government (2nd Printing)

2. The Official Postal Matter Cards of the Post-Office Warschau C1

E051: The Stamp Collectors Office Supplier of Stamps from the General Governement

Michael Schweizer, 2007, 173 pages, 21,00 €, 300g weight, color

Description: –

E053: The V-Symbols and Marks (a campain) in the General Government

Manfred Teckert, 2006, 155 pages, 21,00 €, 170, color


E055: Documentation on Stamp Designs, Proofs and Essay Proofs in the Generalgouvernement

Detlef Pfeiffer, Michael Schweizer, 2009, 124 pages,
19,50 €, 290g weight, color


E058: The Gift books oft the DPO and the Staatsdruckerei Wien with Stamps of the General Government

Michael Schweizer, 2007, 59 pages, 10,00 €,
160g weight, color


E059: Premium Stamps, Iron Stamps and Benefit Stampsl for Clothing in the GG

2008, 36 pages, 9,50 €, 130g weight, color

Description: SOLD OUT – Reprint within next months

E060: Handbook of the Stamps, Plate Flaws, Seet Features, Varieties and Printers Waste of the General Governmenet

Heinz-Erwin Jungjohann, Michael Schweizer,2006,
126 pages, 18,50 €, 300g weight, color

Description: SOLD OUT – Reprint within next months

E062: The Frank stamp; A British propaganda parody for the General Government

Wolfgang Baldus, Michael Schweizer, 2014, 40 pages,
14,00 €,200g weight, color


Bilingual, 3rd Edition

E065: Forms of the Deutsche Post Osten

Michael Schweizer, Otto Tahl, 2008, 85 pages, 16,00 €,
190g weight, color


E066: Special cancels and Souvenir cards of the General Government

Michael Schweizer, 2004, 208 pages, 25,90 €, 460g weight, color


E067: Documentation on the Publicity Cancels in the DPO in the GG

Documentation on the Consignor Meter Postmarks in the DPO in the GG

Michael Schweizer, 2009, 127 pages,18,50 €, 200g weight, color


Two german handbooks translated into english:

1. Documentation on the Publicity Cancels in the DPO in the General Governement

2. Documentation on the Consignor Meter Postmarks in the DPO in the General Governement

E069: Documentation of the handstamps ‚Der Postort heißt …‘ in the General Government

Manfred Teckert, 2012, 80 pages, 14,50 €, 200g weight,


E075: The Commemorative Issue to the 400th Anniversary of the death of the German Astronomer Nikolaus Kopernikus

Kurt Peters, Michael Schweizer, 2013, 58 pages, 11,25 €, 150g weight, color


E076: Day of the NSDAP in the General Governement 1943

Didier Jadot, 2019, 78 pages, 22,00 €, 200g weight, color

Description: bilingual: English/German

E084: The Souvenir Card G1, Didier Jadot, 2015, 50 pages, 18,50 €, 260g weight, color


Interesting study about the first Souvenir Card of the General Government. ,

E085: Generalgouvernement – Regulary Printed Definitive Issues 1940-1944

Gerard Menge, 2015, 170 pages, 18,50 €,180g weight,

Description: SOLD OUT – Reprint within next months

The present book is intended as the kick off by the ArGe Generalgouvernement, to a new series of handbooks on exhibits by internationally successful exhibiters.

The first exhibit to documented is that of our American member Gerard Menge. The text is in English.

F060: Manuel philatélique du Generalgouvernement. Ses timbres, avec leurs variétés et curiosités.
Etude des marquages de feuilles. Rebuts d Impression

Michael Schweizer, 2006, 126 pages, 18,50 €, 300g weight, color


F066: Les Oblitérations Spéciales et les Cartes Souvenir du Generalgouvernement

Michael Schweizer,2004, 208 pages, 25,90 €, 460g weight, color

Description: –

F072: Union postale universell – Convention postale universelle (Buenos Aires)

reprint, 1940, 460 pages, 37,50 €, 730, bw

Description: SOLD OUT – Reprint within next months

1. De la Union postale universelle
2. Règles de ordre géneral
3. Dispositions concernant les correspondances postales
4. protocol final de la convention

Francais et allemand

ArGe im Bund deutscher Philatelisten e.V. und Studiengruppe der Poststempelgilde e.V